Stepan Zghibarțî
Founder, Honorary President of BAA «CORECT»
Associate lawyer
Mr. Stepan Zghibarțî is a prominent figure în the legal field on the Republic of Moldova, being highly respected among lawyers and magistrates alike, being a renowned legal defendant in matters of:
- business law
- investments
- commercial law
- real estate operations

BUZU Nicolae
Managing partener of BAA «CORECT»
Associate lawyer
Mr. Nicolae Buzu has almost two decades of profesional experience behind his back when it comes to ensuring successful legal counsel and representation in numerous complex cases in matters of :
- civil law
- commercial law
- bankruptcy matters
- corporate law
- intellectual property law

Associate lawyer
Mr. Victor Berlinski is chosen by his clients due to the clarity of the legal counsel he offers, focusing on results, efficient legal representation, but also the open attitude and promptness with which he reacts to the most complex cases. His professional experience is primarily focused on representing clients in matters of:
- criminal law
- civil law
- bankruptcy matters

Associate lawyer
Mr. Alexei Barbăneagră has over four decades of professional experience. Apart from the vast professional and teaching experience, Mr. Barbăneagră specialises on matters of:
- criminal law
- international criminal law
- comparative criminal law
- criminal procedure
- refugees’ law
- civil law
- administrative law

Associate lawyer
The outstanding professional training and the vast legal experience both in matters of legal proceedings and techniques of disputes prevention, offer Mr. Nicolae Andronic a solid basis for offering clients of BAA «CORECT» individualised and sustainable solutions, perfectly adapted to the challenging and dynamic times we live in. His professional standing can be associated with his reputed success when approaching each case and finding the most favourable strategy in matters of:
- criminal law
- administrative law

BOGOS Alexandru
Associate lawyer
The solid professional training and the professional and serious multidisciplinary approach toward each legal dispute are the main reasons why clients appreciate the lengthy relationship of Mr. Alexandru Bogos. Mr. Bogos’ prime practice areas are those in matters of:
- criminal law
- civil law
- legal representation during criminal proceedings

Associate lawyer
The individualised approach and the choice of strategy (both when it comes to conciliation and during legal proceedings), Mr. Igor Clima closely regards the specifics of the values and needs of each client, but also the potential unfold of the situation. Being a pleading lawyer with a diversified experience, he offers prompt and sustainable solutions in matters of:
- civil law
- commercial law
- fiscal law
- financial law
- intellectual property law

Associate lawyer
Mr. Chiril Panteleev has stationed himself among the leading lawyers of the Republic of Moldova due to the efficient and individualised solutions offered to his clients, both as legal assistance and legal representation before the national courts. He identifies with the seriousness with which he studies each case and the subtlety of finding the best suited solutions in matters of:
- civil law
- criminal law
- administrative law

MÎȚU Ștefan
Associate lawyer
Professional, loyal and just, Mr. Ștefan Mîțu owns his impecable reputation of a pleading lawyer due to his approaches toward various legal matters, such as:
- civil law
- corporate law

Associate lawyer
Mr. Stanislav Pavlovschi has a lengthy legal career. His professional portfolio numbers work as a judge at the ECHR (Strasbourg), but also involvement in various European reformation programs regarding the legal sector in the Republic of Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Macedonia, due to which he owns the reputation of a pleading lawyer in matters of:
- civil law
- criminal law
- administrative law
- commercial law
- human rights

Associate lawyer
With a vast professional experience, Mr. Ion Arhiliuc has worked as a judge for 32 years, among which the last 7 as a judge of the Criminal Panel of the Supreme Court of Justice, being evaluated as “excellent” for preventing the violation of the UDHR and the lack of lost cases before the ECHR and în 2014 the Supreme Magistrature Counsel has titled him as the Dean of the judicial authority. He offers legal counsel and representation în matters of:
- criminal law
- civil law
- human rights
- filing claims before the ECHR

FALĂ Nicolae
Associate lawyer
An epistemological, scientific and jurisprudential approach, parallel thinking, diagnosis and a correct legal strategy are required for a sound solution to a legal problem. Mr. Fală Nicolae combines the legal activity and the didactic-scientific one in the field of legal relationships in the following law branches:
- civil law
- civil procedure law
- commercial Law
- administrative procedure law

BUZU Irina
Associated lawyer
Intellectual Property Counsel
- legal assistance and representation in courts in matters related to intellectual property disputes
- trademark and industrial design registration, both national and international
- artificial intelligence and cyber security
- digitalisation of intellectual property
- refugee and migration law
- tech law
Associate Lawyer
Areas of competence:
- constitutional law
- human rights law
- European law
- civil law
- commercial law
- administrative procedure law
- civil procedure law

ȘPAC Vadim
Associate Lawyer
Areas of competence:
- civil law
- commercial law
- civil procedural law
- real rights
- administrative procedural law